How to cope with the watery eyes and the cause - Eyes Medication

How to cope with the watery eyes and the cause

The tears are there to protect the surface of the eye and obstructing foreign bodies getting into your eyes. So, don't be surprised if your eyes watering when Your eyes instantly kelilipan foreign bodies.

Despite the watery eyes is reasonable, but it would be a problem if your eyes too much produce tears or tears cannot flow out properly. Moreover, if the complaint is accompanied by a change of view, pain, a lump near the waterways, or feeling Your eyes in the Scotch.

Here are some causes of watery eyes that you need to know:

How to cope with the watery eyes and the cause
Allergic reaction (against the smoke, mites, dust, fur, even certain foods) can cause watery eyes, red, and itchy. In General, watery eyes due to allergies will be accompanied by the typical symptoms of allergies like sneezing, skin Buran (a red itchy rash), until the nasal congestion or runny.

Solution: for the eyes watery, you can use the eye drops. Drugs antihistamines like cetirizine can also cope with the symptoms of allergies in General.

Dry eye
Although it sounds strange, watery eyes is a sign of dry eye. This is the response of the body detects that the surface of your eyes are too dry. In the end, brain ordered tear glands to produce excessive tears as an attempt to protect your eyes. Cause any various, ranging from perubaha hormones, certain medical conditions (diabetes, arthritis, lupus, and HIV), drug side effects, read or stare at the screen for too long, to the wearing of cosmetics.

Solution: a treatment for dry eye may include artificial tears eye drops, medication, and expand the drinking water. We recommend that you consult with a physician about further treatment, especially if your dry eye symptoms suspected certain medical conditions.

Clogged tear ducts
Channel tears serves to transmit the tears are produced in the glands, tears to the entire surface of the eye. If this channel is blocked, either partially or completely, the tears would accumulate excessive and causes watery eyes.

This is often caused by injury to the eye area, inflammation or infection, until the tumor (though this rarely happens).

Solution: Consult further with the doctor to figure out the cause. The doctor will probably prescribe antibiotics or surgery if his condition never improved.

Problems on the cornea
The cornea is the clear outer layer of the eye that serves as a first line of defense against germs, dirt, or anything that will get into your eyes. Then, anything that disrupts the cornea you can load your eyes watering, such as dust particles or scratches. In fact, the condition also makes your eye redness, pain, and make your eyes sensitive to light.

This condition usually lasts a while and does not need to be treated. However, if this condition does not improve, you should immediately consult a doctor.

Problem on eyelid
Problems on the eyelids, such as ektopion or entropion can cause watery eyes. Entropion is a condition of the skin of the eyelids are inverted/folded towards the inside of the eye causing eyelashes swipe eyeballs. While ektropion is a situation where the eyelids flipped outwards so that the edges do not touch the eyeballs.

Solution: to resolve this inconvenience, you can use the eye drops. Consult with a physician about further treatment or corrective therapy the right about ektopion and entropion.

Eye infections, such as conjunctivitis (red eyes), bintitan, and other infections can cause watery eyes. This is the reaction of the body's immune system to attack bacteria, germs, or the virus that causes the infection.

Solution: Consult further with the doctor. If the infection is caused by bacteria, your doctor may prescribe antibiotics.

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